Let's-bring-back -the-child-in-you-to-give-your-kid-a-healthy-lifestyle (2)


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Let’s bring back the child in you to give your kid a healthy lifestyle!

It is widely acknowledged that we do not have enough time to spend in nature with our kids. Until the COVID-19 pandemic, it was becoming unusual to play in the grass and fields &  live a good lifestyle. Tablets, laptops, and cell phones have now supplanted rocks, sand, and grass. They are suffering as a result of the switch from outdoor games to indoor, more technologically advanced games.

Your little one is never more serious than when they play, right? So now that’s a fun fact you must help your child build upon developing strength, stamina, & fitness. Indoor and outdoor games play an integral part in molding a child’s overall personality for physical & brain fitness. Rather than appearing pale and pink from lack of sun exposure, let your child’s skin be covered with dust and gleam in the sun and get a healthy lifestyle.

List of several outdoor activities that might be beneficial for your kid’s overall physical development.

1. Acquire some new abilities and skills:-

Kids learn a wide range of skills when they engage in outdoor activities, the majority of which we do not even consider. They will gain skills in proper individual interaction, conversation, mediation, evolution, adventure, challenge, dedication, friendship, and teamwork. They will also learn to enhance curiosity about new participants, enable mental development, and achieve better emotional intelligence. All of these activities are unteachable. Playing games while learning is great. Outdoor games help kids learn life skills directly and indirectly. They also boost creativity and originality. Nature is also the best instructor of new thought. Consider this common example: Kids use natural materials to play cricket when they don’t have the equipment. This shows how vital outdoor play is for innovation.


  2. Body evolution:-

Children who engage in physical activity outside will help their physique thrive. They fortify their immune function and gain muscle. Additionally, they will have more flexible bodies, stronger bones, more stamina, advanced motor skills, and a lower body mass index. They’ll develop immunity to diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Outdoors enhance vision or They’ll get vitamin D from the sun.

3. Increased brainpower:-

Outdoor activity boosts optimistic thinking in kids. That improves their mood. Playing outside helps adolescents gain not only confidence but also optimization and harmony. Family relationships are enhanced when they’re healthier. Their academic performance improves as a result of improved memorization. It’s more difficult to be angry when you’re surrounded by nature, which encourages a more gentle and harmonious mentality. Furthermore, the amusement of unexpected time in natural light gives the child a sense of empowerment.


 4. Social advancement:-

Outdoor activities make toddlers more social. This will expose them to different perspectives and personalities. They’ll get acquainted with talking to people who have varied personalities and learn how to do so. They will benefit in later life from their early development of social and communication abilities. Building a network starts with today’s friendships and relationships.


5. Nature enthusiast:-

Nature has always been a child’s best friend. Therefore, a major change was observed in the current condition and a little earlier than that. TV and gaming studios have replaced our innate desire to play outside. Thus, it can encourage innovation, creativity, and improved health, and it allows our bodies to breathe clean air, which is beneficial for both our bodies and minds. Exercise and external air enhance the quantities of blood circulation and oxygen that the body absorbs. As a result, cognition and recollection are reinforced.


6. Positive attitude:-

Outdoor activities provide kids with valuable life lessons. They can’t learn at home or indoors. Individuals who develop a positive outlook, which is consistently advantageous for overcoming difficult situations.


 Top five outdoor activities:-


Hide and sick:- 

Same Police and Thief is a popular game that almost every parent has played with their children at some point. The basic idea is that one person closes their eyes and counts until they reach a certain number, and then looks for the other people playing.



Musical chairs:- 

Participants in this game must circle the chairs while the music plays. Whenever the speaker has finished, everybody is required to get into a chair pretty quickly. Only one person left is trying. Keep moving chairs until there is just one person left.



 In hopscotch, participants drop an object into a box and then jump through the boxes to collect it.




Touch & go (Tag):- 

It is a game that is also played by groups of more than two or four people, where one player follows the others while trying to “tag” one of them (by touching them with their hand) as the others strive to escape being tagged. When a player is tagged, he is eliminated from the game.


Marbling (Kanchan):-   

The object of the game is to use your shooter marble to knock marbles outside the ring to score points. Start with the player who is the youngest. Shots begin outside the ring. The shooter flicks the stone into the ring with their index finger.




Providing for the outdoor play needs of young children is a complex and challenging task but playing on playgrounds is one of the best ways to encourage kids to be active and enjoy their time outdoors. Lastly, spending time in nature is also associated with improving mood and happiness. A bonus is that children who identify with nature are more likely to become adults who appreciate nature and want to protect the environment.